Patent-oriented sieve trayMany people are making the move away from older major appliances in favor of newer, more energy efficient ones. Their reasons for doing so are numerous. There is the economic incentive of saving money. Some people enjoy the fact that by using energy star appliances they are conserving water and power. Technological advances have rendered energy efficient machines as effective as their more power and water intensive predecessors. This change is reflected in all brands.

All major appliances have an energy efficient counterpart. Take advances in washing machines and dryers, for example. Newer washing machines allow you to precisely set the temperature and amount of water. This means you never have to waste water on a relatively small load of laundry. You can also select the appropriate water temperature and never waste power. For the consumer who uses such an appliance there is no difference in function or results.

Major kitchen appliances are also evolving to be more energy efficient. Everything from the toaster to dishwasher is becoming smarter. New dishwashers can clean dishes with less water and power. Advances in engineering and other technological breakthroughs are being felt throughout the home.

The savings to consumers can be vast. Some energy star appliances use 40% less power than conventional appliances. When you apply such savings to something like a discount air conditioner you are talking about a sizeable amount of money every month. Now imagine a home with energy efficient air conditioners, washers, dryers, fridges and more. You are looking at potential hundreds of dollars in savings each month.

You can combine these energy efficient machines with cost and energy saving practices. You can save money each month by only doing dishes when you have a full load or never keeping your fridge open for more than a few moments. Cleaning your air conditioner’s filter monthly is another simple thing you can do that will save you money and help protect the environment.

If you want to upgrade appliances in your home you can begin your search online. Even if you don’t have much cash right now, you can start with small appliances and work your way up. Remember that every energy efficient appliance you buy will save you money in the long run. If you are renovating your home or have been saving for new appliances, you can get energy efficient ones at no additional cost. You will be surprised at the long term savings accrued. You can also take comfort in the fact you’re helping the environment.——

SW Appliances offers a collection of major appliances that is not to beat at prices you won’t find anywhere else. Check them out at

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