... Marketing - Oil and Gas Job Search - Jobs in the Oil and Gas industryEstimates present that oil-powered-plant vitality generation will fall from 121.9 million MWh in 2005 (three% of U.S. vitality consumption) to 105MWh in 2025 (1.Ninety five% of U.S. energy consumption).

US Petroleum Powered Electricity Consumption in 2005: Sixty four million MWh

US Petroleum Capability Usage in 2006: 12.6% of fifty eight,097 MW

UNDERSTANDING Oil Usage in Electricity Production

To outline and understand the quantity of oil used to create electricity, we first want to understand oil numbers. The U.S. consumes 23% of the world oil. In 2008, 7.14 billion barrels of oil have been refined into U.S. petroleum products. Only 34% of the oil the U.S. consumes comes from the U.S. (Alaska gives 14% of the country home oil). Imported oil accounts for a staggering 66% of the U.S. oil consumption.

Most of U.S. oil is used for transportation: Seventy two% of it goes on to gasoline, diesel gas, and jet gas. (Gasoline represents forty six% all consumption.) Ninety-five percent of America modes of transportationhat can be planes, trains, trucks, boats, barges, and automobiles鈥攔un off petroleum products. We often neglect that gasoline-powered cars in the U.S. only characterize 19% of the carbon emissions problem鈥攁t 39.Four%, the actual perpetrator is electricity.

Solely 1% of petroleum is used to generate electricity. Sufficient oil to run each petroleum energy plant in the nation would equate to the amount used in fewer than 4 days of total U.S. oil consumption. With its annual production of 250 million barrels, Alaska could present the 70 million barrels of oil that can be needed for our annual electricity era.


Cajeput Oil Essential Trading Post Oils 4 fl. oz (120 ML)

There were a hundred and fifty U.S. refineries in 2009; 9 of them were idled. By itself, the largest refinery in Baytown, Texas (owned by Exxon Cell Corp.) could simply handle all of the U.S. needs for electricity generation. A mere 33% of the Baytown plant daily and annual manufacturing would supply enough fuel. And that just one-third of the manufacturing of 1 plant! (Out of 141+ operational refineries.) To put this into better perspective, any certainly one of the top 85 U.S.