If you live in an area where the warm temperatures last longer than cool ones do, you probably use air conditioning. However, if your home has begun to feel like a sauna it may mean that it is time to get a new air conditioning unit. If your air conditioner is ten years old or older, it is probably on its way out. Even if it seems to be working fine, is most likely using quite a bit more energy than you realize, and you seasonal energy bills are higher than they would be if you were to replace it with a new, energy-efficient model. With the current state of the economy, you may be concerned about air conditioner prices in New Jersey. They may seem a little higher than you want to pay. However, over the last few years air conditioner prices in New Jersey and across the country have actually steadied and even come down a bit. Still, you may not be sure you can afford to have a new central air system installed in your home.
Because air conditioner prices in New Jersey will vary greatly depending on a number of factors, it is a good idea to visit with an air conditioning expert about your options. Home improvement centers and other vendors offer in-home consulting services to help you figure these things out. One of the things that your consultant will tell you about is the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, or SEER ratings that are assigned to each air conditioning unit. These ratings tell the consumer how energy efficient each unit is. Modern air conditioning units are required to have a SEER rating of no less than 13, and to receive the Energy Star rating, they must have a SEER rating of 14 or higher. Your air conditioning specialist will help you understand what your home needs.
A higher SEER rating will usually mean higher air conditioner prices in New Jersey. However, purchasing a lower rated unit just to save money on the initial cost is not always the best thing to do. Units with higher ratings will save 10 to 30% more per year on your energy bills than the lower rated models. In an average year, this can equate to about $250 for an average cooling season, but in warmer areas where the season lasts longer, the savings are even greater. You can see that the difference in seasonal energy savings will add up in a couple of years and make up the difference, and then will continue to save you money for years to come.
If you are still worried about high air conditioner prices in New Jersey, you can check into the government tax rebate that qualified energy saving home improvements can get you. It is up to $1500, so could really help out on purchasing that extra energy efficiency. Your air conditioning consultant will help you weigh your options so that you can make the best decision for your situation. Soon, you won’t be worried about air conditioner prices in New Jersey because you will be enjoying your new, energy efficient central air conditioner and saving money.
Air Conditioner Prices New Jersey
Author Box Shane McEntyre has 1 articles online

Air conditioner options vary widely. Sears can customize a system to your home and ensure it’s installed quickly and safely. Air Conditioner Prices New Jersey

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