As with everything, there is a proper procedure necessary to produce the desired result. In grape planting, it is absolutely essential to do it the right way. If you’re wanting your plants to produce a bountiful crop, then you must learn how to do grape planting correctly in order to grow healthy vines which produce quality grapes.

Generally, certain types of grapes will grow best in certain locations. It is imperative that you learn which are best suited to your area. With that knowledge, you can begin to experiment to see which are the best for your vineyard, whether that vineyard is your back yard or one that covers many acres.

The following eight steps can act as a guideline for you when you are ready to do your grape planting:

1. The first step has to be picking out the right site to plant your vines. It has to be a sunny location which allows the sun to cover all parts of the plant and it must also drain well. The land you choose for your vineyard could be growing grapes for many years. Some vineyards are still producing after fifty years. You will need to be persistent since it could take up to six years for the plants to bear fruit for making wine.

2. Second step is to prepare the soil and make sure it is the right consistency to drain correctly. If your soil is mostly clay you will have major problems trying to grow grapes. You can, of course, loosen up clay by putting additives in the soil. Sawdust, sand, and compost are some things that will work to loosen up the clay.

3. Select the best grape variety for the use you have in mind for the grapes. What varieties are best for making wine in your area? What kind of wine do you want to make? This will require a little research on your part, but the end result will be fewer headaches and an easier growing process with a healthier harvest.

4. Prepare your soil now that you know which variety of grapes you are going to grow. Remove all the weeds and till the soil well. Add whatever organic substances you need to fortify the soil and make it ready for plants. Compost should be spread over the whole grape planting area.

5. The planting rows have to be spaced far enough apart to allow proper growing. They should be approximately 9 feet apart. Within the rows, the distance between plants should be approximately 6 to 8 feet from each other. It depends on the variety of grape you choose to grow.

6. The plant should be planted at the same depth it was in the nursery. If they are planted deeper they will not grow correctly. If they are planted not deep enough their roots could be exposed and become diseased and the plant may die.

7. The hole should also be large enough in circumference so that you spread the roots out fully. Then fill the hole in with dirt and firmly pack it down to remove all air pockets. Water well to make sure the water soaks deep down.

8. Now that you have your grape planting done you can set-up your trellis system. This will be used to train the plant to grow on. Just make sure this system is strong enough to support the plants when they are full of grapes.

As you can see grape planting does not have to be a complicated process; however, this is a process that must be followed consistently in order to harvest quality grapes for making wine. The eight steps listed above will give some idea of the work that needs to be accomplished when actively involved in grape planting.

Author Box Treesa Kintrick has 1 articles online
This basic information is just part of what you need to know about Grape Planting.

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