Successfully Transplant Your Roses

The best time for transplanting roses is in the early spring or late fall. This is the best time since they are dormant. During the dormant time they are not blooming, nor growing very much. It is less likely for your rose bushes to go into shock during this period. Winter, if you live in the northern states, is when most plants are in their dormant state.

Preparation for transplanting roses is essential to the health of your rose when transplanted. When transplanting from container to garden it is good practice to prune your rose first. Once your rose has been pruned you will have to water your plant well for the next 3 days. On the 4th day you finish by actually transplanting your rose.

When transplanting roses you have to very careful not to damage the roots too much. It is almost impossible not to damage the roots during this process. With enough practice you will able to perfect your transplanting technique. Now that your rose is transplanted to your garden make sure to watch for any changes in the plant. Continue to water, but be careful not to drown your plant. Even though rose plants normally need at least 6 hrs of direct sunlight, it would benefit your plant if you try not to let it have too much harsh sunlight after the transplant.

If you’re in the mood to change or reorganize you rose garden, you may have to start transplanting roses into containers. Yes this can be a pain. I would like to say again that the best time to be transplanting roses is during their dormant stage. You will have to investigate to see if your rose’s root ball is a strong enough to nourish itself. If the stem mass is bigger then the root mass, it may diminish the chances of survival after transplanting roses.

Once you have established that your rose plant is ready to be moved make sure that the whole process can be done at one time. Walking away from transplanting roses before the job is complete can be devastating. You always want to be sure that you can finish transplanting once started. Leaving exposed root balls over night will dry your rose’s roots and they will eventually parish.

Pruning Your Roses

I talked a little bit of pruning your roses earlier. It is a very good idea to prune your rose garden or rose bush before transplanting. Some rose gardeners like to prune back hard, meaning they nearly cut off 2/3rds of the plant. Here is a formula some experienced rose gardeners use for pruning before transplanting roses.

Prune back to nine inches of the crown, the point where all the stems are emerging from the base of the rose bush. For larger, climbing roses, (purposes here consider “larger” to mean anything 5 foot and taller) prune 18 inches from the crown. While pruning, ideally you want to cut right above a leaf by a small bud. DO NOT CUT OFF THE BUD. Most likely when your rose starts growing again, it will start from that bud. By keeping that but it helps to tell the plant where to send its nutrients.

Author Box Landy Centeno has 1 articles online
Landy Centeno is a rose gardening enthusiast. For more information on transplanting roses, please visit

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